Choice for engineering excellence
South Africa
Handling over 90,000 tons of Apples & Pears between 3 facilities, The Fruitways Group led the Market in South Africa by importing the first Full Turnkey Pre-Sorting & packing Solution to one of their Packing facilities, MELPACK in the Vyeboom Valley in 2010.
Now 6 Years later, they are still convinced that MAF RODA was the perfect partner to completely remodel their second Packing facility – Valley Packers in Elgin Valley.

“FRUITWAYS have a proud history of service excellence to our customers as well as delivering consistently good quality to destinations all around the globe. To achieve this objective our pack houses need to be flexible and responsive to the demands of our customers. The sorting and packing processes also need to be fruit friendly and accurate within very fine tolerances. We installed MAF RODA presorting and packing lines at our Melpack site in 2010. At the time it was the only presort and presize plant in South Africa. When we decided to refurbish the Valley pack house in 2016, we again chose MAF RODA as our preferred solution for both presorting and packing lines. They have impressed us with the quality of their engineering as well as their ability to innovate and constantly improve existing solutions. This has also been backed up with good after sales service. We look forward to many more years of engineering excellence from MAF and are proud to have them as technology partner and part of the FRUITWAYS family.”
Hein KEULDER - CEO of the FRUITWAYS GROUP (second on the right)